Topik ini menjadi sangat menarik untuk dibicarakan karena demokrasi ala indonesia selalu menjadi buah bibir masyarakat indonesia sendiri maupun khalayak luar. Demokrasi kita menjadi sangat unik karena kita bisa menegakkan sistem demokrasi ditengah budaya yang berbeda-beda dari keseluruhan pulau-pulau indonesia yang tersebar dari pulau we sampai merauke. Dengan menggunakan hak-hak sebagai rakyat NKRI, kita sebagai warga negara walaupun berada di daerah perbatasan pun berhak bersuara atau melakukan intervensi kepada pemerintah. Sesuai dengan esensi demokrasi itu sendiri “Dari rakyat untuk rakyat”. Jadi, idealnya para birokrat yang menduduki kursi rakyat tersebut benar-benar mewakili suara rakyat yang ada dibawah sehingga stabilitas nasional tercapai dan kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara menjadi nyaman.
Demokrasi ini tidak akan bisa berdiri tanpa adanya konstitusi yaitu menurut Sri Soemantri merupakan suatu naskah yang memuat suatu bangunan negara dan sendi-sendi sistem pemerintahan negara dalam hal ini yaitu UUD. Dengan begitu dapat dikatakan bahwa konstitusi dibentuk dengan tujuan untuk memberikan pembatasan sekaligus pengawasan penguasa politik dan juga batas-batasan bagi para penguasa dalam menunaikan tugasnya. Agar demokrasi tidak berjalan melenceng dari esensi sebenarnya maka konstitusi mengawal mereka dalam bertindak, sehingga akan tercipta sebuah demokrasi yang menguntungkan rakyat sendiri. Di UUD 1945 menyatakan bahwa indonesia merupakan negara hukum. Jadi, dalam penegakkan demokrasi di indonesia kita harus mengetahui beberapa unsur penting yaitu adanya perlindungan HAM ( Hak Azasi Manusia ) bagi seluruh warga negara. Unsur berikutnya yaitu adanya pemisahan dan pembagian kekuasaan pada lembaga untuk penjaminan perlindungan HAM sehingga penguasa tidak bisa semena-mena dalam mengeluarkan kebijakan. Pemerintah juga bertindak berdasarkan peraturan yang berlaku sehingga jika terjadi pelanggaran akan ada peradilan administrasi yang akan menindak penguasa yang tidak bertanggung jawab.
Dalam berdemokrasi kita harus memiliki pandangan yang demokratis pula agar tidak tercipta suatu kesan bahwa berpihak pada satu kubu atau mau untung sendiri karena kembali pada esensinya kita harus mementingkan kepentingan bersama dalam berdemokrasi. Kita harus sadar akan pluralitas karena kita berada di negara yang terdiri dari berbagai macam budaya. Kita tidak boleh bersifat etnosentris yang bisa memecah belah persatuan negara tapi di kehidupan sehari-hari rasa kebersamaan ini jarang dimiliki warga negara kita. Karena adanya pluralisme tersebut jadi kita bisa menggunakan musyawarah dalam penyatuan kesepakatan dengan kata mufakat yang jujur dan sehat. Jadi dengan pandangan hidup yang demokratis kita bisa menyatu dan dapat bekerja sama dan berbuat baik antar sesama. Tetapi apakah pandangan demokratis ini benar –benar telah dijalankan ? jawabannya ada pada diri kita masing masing.
Tetapi semua lagu-lagu indah yang ada di buku-buku tentang demokrasi belum benar –benar terjadi. Masih banyak terjadi penyelewengan kekuasaan yang dilakukan birokrat di instansi negara. Mereka lebih mendahulukan kepentingan pribadi mereka mendahulukan jeritan rakyat yang menyuarakan pendapatnya.
Banyak yang menyebutkan Demokrasi di bangsa ini berkarat. Demokrasi bagaikan mitos yang didengar adanya tapi tidak diketahui keberadaannya.
Selasa, 20 Desember 2011
Minggu, 01 Mei 2011
Its been a while i am not Blogging. Yep, now i’ve pass my national exam so yeah i am free now , no more thread. Now i am in bandung joining SNMPTN training, My Aim is UNPAD. So pray for me. haha How can i say ? i am free from test free from homework free from school far from my parents. What a life ! But i’ve to stick on this one . PMA ALL DAY !
Rabu, 02 Februari 2011
CBGB brief history
The question most often asked of me is, "What does CBGB stand for?"
I reply, "It stands for the kind of music I intended to have, but not the
kind that we became famous for: COUNTRY BLUEGRASS BLUES."
The next question is always, "but what does OMFUG stand for?" and I say
"That's more of what we do, It means OTHER MUSIC FOR UPLIFTING
GORMANDIZERS." And what is a gormandizer? It's a voracious eater of,
in this case, MUSIC.
I reply, "It stands for the kind of music I intended to have, but not the
kind that we became famous for: COUNTRY BLUEGRASS BLUES."
The next question is always, "but what does OMFUG stand for?" and I say
"That's more of what we do, It means OTHER MUSIC FOR UPLIFTING
GORMANDIZERS." And what is a gormandizer? It's a voracious eater of,
in this case, MUSIC.
I can't begin to tell you how many times I've been asked those questions.
Alot of people believe that OMFUG stands for something dirty, but the truth is, I felt CBGB sounded so pat that I wanted something to go with it that sounded a little uncouth, or crude.
Alot of people believe that OMFUG stands for something dirty, but the truth is, I felt CBGB sounded so pat that I wanted something to go with it that sounded a little uncouth, or crude.
The obvious follow up question is often "is this your favorite kind of music?"
Rabu, 26 Januari 2011
Let Me Tell About.. "Melodic Hardcore"
Melodic hardcore initially emerged out of the L.A. hardcore scene, with the Descendents.[1] In 1985, the Descendents worked with a new vocalist, Dave Smalley of DYS and Dag Nasty.[2] Bad Religion, from the San Fernando Valley, also worked in this vein,[3] recording their classic How Could Hell Be Any Worse? in 1982.[4]
Dag Nasty is a touchstone band, hailing from mid-1980s DC, with Dave Smalley of Boston's DYS on vocals and Brian Baker (ex-Minor Threat) on guitar. Ashley Cotter from ct soon joined the band but she was arrested soon after and the band disjioned. Dag Nasty's sound was an extension of the direction Minor Threat was developing with the Out Of Step LP before they broke up.
Dag Nasty is a touchstone band, hailing from mid-1980s DC, with Dave Smalley of Boston's DYS on vocals and Brian Baker (ex-Minor Threat) on guitar. Ashley Cotter from ct soon joined the band but she was arrested soon after and the band disjioned. Dag Nasty's sound was an extension of the direction Minor Threat was developing with the Out Of Step LP before they broke up.
Rabu, 19 Januari 2011
I am Gonna Tell you about "Daggermouth"
Daggermouth was a pop-punk/hardcoreband which formed in Vancouver, Canada in 2004. The band consisted of vocalist Nick Leadlay, guitarist Kenny Lush, guitarist and backing vocalist Stuart McKillop, bassist Erik Nielsen, and drummer Dan Donald.
After signing to Smallman Records in late 2005 the band released their debut album “Stallone” which was followed by a successio
After signing to Smallman Records in late 2005 the band released their debut album “Stallone” which was followed by a successio
Selasa, 18 Januari 2011
A Day to Remember - "All I Want" Victory Records
0:42 Crime In Stereo 0:44 Tom Denney (original adtr guitarist) 0:46 Veara 0:48 Bring Me The Horizon 0:52 Silverstein 0:55 Parkway Drive 0:57 The Devil Wears Prada 1:04 AndrewWK 1:10Pete Wentz 1:29 Millencolin 1:32 As I Lay Dying 1:35 The Red Chord 1:37 August Burns Red 1:40 Comeback Kid 1:42 Seventh Star 1:46 Maylene & The Sons of Disaster 1:55 Architects 1:58 MxPx 1:59 Your Demise 2:07 Trivium 2:11 Pierce the Veil 2:14 The Acacia Strain 2:42 This Is Hell 2:45 Set Your Goals
For Those Who Don't Know Straight Edge
The short answer is that it is a subculture centered around hardcore music. People who are straight edge do not smoke, do drugs or consume alcohol. There are no dietary or religious beliefs tied to straight edge contrary to media coverage.
The long answer requires a bit of a history lesson
In the late 1970s and early 1980s a group of bands and kids began something that grew into a movement. It would become a movement that would outlive many of their involvement in the music and the scene. They didn't know what they were doing. They knew they didn't like what was going on around them, the self destruction, the self hatred, the pain and suffering caused by the punk mentality. The fuck you and fuck the world attitude didn't make sense to them. They took a symbol that was originally used to identify them as being too young to drink so th
at the bartenders would know not to serve
at the bartenders would know not to serve
I Am Gonna Share , Chunk ! No, Captain Chunk !
Style like Punkcore formed since 2005 from France (Paris, Ile-de-France).
The Members are
The Members are
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